A New Prescription

It’s that moment when you feel like, “Really God!  Do I have to go through this?”  When you so desperately want to ask God “WHY” as you grip the last vestige of your faith holding onto it is as it feels like it’s slipping through your fingers.  You hear Him say to you “I have engraved your name in the palm of my hands.”  But, you allow your emotions to fester, and you say to Him, “I know I’m in the palm of your hands, but I don’t feel it.”

We have all been there.  Our heart is broken, our faith challenged, and we want it all fixed now.   We desperately pray for God’s intervention yet what we hear from Him does not satisfy our desire to have our issue resolved, our heartache mended, or our peace restored.   We want everything fixed now.   We don’t want to go through the storm.   I know I never do.  We know He is guiding us through but quite frankly the storm is fierce, and our visibility is low.   We cannot see the other side.

I have been there.   So, what do we do?   How do you tighten your grip in the storm when the winds are pulling you so hard that your faith feels like it’s slipping away?   We push through and do exactly like Jesus.   We speak peace to our storm, and we turn to His word.

Ok, that’s not a surprise.  I know you expected me to write that.   Quite frankly, we are always given that advice.  We are instructed to turn to the word of God, speak the word of God, and pray the word of God.  It’s the prescribed solution to every Christian problem.  Take this and call me in the morning.   We know it works, but it takes time.    We want an answer today.

I’d like to offer you another prescription.   I have a solution that will help you in your sorrow and jump-start a quick resolution to your situation.   It is a prescription that has never steered me wrong.

The prescription is to return to the basics and allow your mind to meditate on the gift of eternal salvation.   We often overlook the gift of life that Christ gave us through His passion.    Our suffering and pain have the effect of taking our eyes off the cross and placing them on us.   Return to the simple gift of salvation, the cleansing of His blood, and all wonders we will experience in glory.   You are righteous before God and Jesus prepared a place for you in eternity.   The next 20, 30, 40, or 50 years of your life on this earth will happen in a blink of an eye when compared to joys you will experience when we leave these vessels.   This temporary suffering pales in comparison to glorious life Jesus has prepared for us.

I receive comfort when “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us.”  Romans 8:18.   I remind myself that this temporary suffering is but a gift from God that will strengthen me to produce fruit that will last for His kingdom.   “For this light and temporary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that far outweighs our troubles.”  2 Corinthians 4:17

So, do it.  Pray, read your bible, speak to your storm but do it from a position of eternal security.  Do it knowing that Christ has made provision for you to stand boldly before His glorious throne.   Be diligent in your quest to know Him and the power of His resurrection, and God will strengthen your heart and give you the courage to continue your battle into victory.