Simply, prayer is a conversation between God and us. It is a time to make requests and to ask God to intervene on our behalf and behalf of others but more importantly it is a time to hear Gods’ voice. Prayer is where we can seek and find answers to our problems and find peace to execute the instructions given to us by God. Bold prayer starts with confidence in God. Our confidence is in God’s willingness to hear us and His ability to answer our petition. We go to our Father God assured of His love for us and confident that He desires nothing but the best for us. God so wholly loves us that He gave Himself for us. For that reason, we cannot doubt His willingness to hear our hearts prayer.
The covenant written with the blood of Jesus gives us confidence in our prayers. This covenant has freed us from the grips of sin and death and has given us full authority to intercede by petitioning God. The blood of Jesus ratifies or validates our covenant with God. In this new covenant, God has accepted the ultimate sacrifice, and no other sacrifice is needed. This new covenant so satisfies God’s holy requirement for sin’s punishment that no other sacrifice is required for us to have an intimate relationship with God. This new intimate fellowship with God is why Jesus tells us in John 14:13-14, John 15:7, John 15:16, John 16:23-24, and John 16:26 to ask anything in His name. We are to pray in the name of Jesus, or we are to present all that Jesus is and know confidently that His cleansing blood takes away all our sins and permits us to go boldly before the throne of God in prayer. We do not go before God hesitantly hoping that maybe he might hear us. We are free from the fear of condemnation and our transgressions. The blood of Jesus has ripped the veil that prevented us from entering the holy place. We now have full, open, unhindered access to God. That is why we can be confident and persistent when we pray. There is nothing that would prevent God from hearing us or moving on our behalf.
We also pray because we believe that God has the power and the willingness to address, change, and improve the situation or circumstance for which we are praying. Our prayers are petitioned for the will of God to occur for us and those for whom we are interceding. The model prayer is in Matthew 6. That model instructs us to invite the kingdom of God to come and for God’s will to be done just as His will is in heaven.
Your kingdom comes, You will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10 (AMP)
Invite the will of God into your prayers and be confident that God hears you every time you pray? How exciting to know that the creator of the universe desires to have a conversation with us and is still listening and responding to us. We must believe that He is. We cannot hear God if we don’t think that He would talk to us. We cannot allow our prayers to become routine and repetitious void of the joy found in conversing with our Redeemer. We pray confidently knowing that God always hears and is still listening to us. Just as God always hears Jesus, he hears us. A hindrance to prayer is the lack of belief that the petition or prayer is heard. Not that God can perform the request but that he listened to our petition. Be confident that the veil has been pulled away and because you have surrendered your life to Jesus, God hears you. Pray with your whole heart, pray your heart’s desire and trust in the God that hears you.