Spirit, Soul, & Body by Andrew Wommack

I learned about the book Spirit, Soul, & Body by Andrew Wommack from the Mt Lebanon Baptist Church, Brownsville, PA Thirsty Thursday bible study led by Reverend Douglas Wright.   In Spirit, Soul, & Body, Mr. Wommack clarifies the difference between the spirit, soul, and body and it gives a clear explanation of how they function and interact with each other.

This is a teaching book that is not written like a textbook and is a quick and easy read.    I love that he tackled the foundational subject if salvation in such a bold and uncompromising way.  Mr. Wommack reviews the free gift of salvation, how we think, and the nature of faith.   For example, he tackles the topic of big and little sins and how we would like to believe that God categorizes sin.   But, to God, all sin, big or little, is a sin.  “We all habitually fail to study God’s Word as much as we should. We all habitually fail to love others the way we should.  We all habitually fail to be as consecrate as we should.  We all habitually get into self-centeredness, and God has to habitually deal with us about it.[1]”  The focus is the grace of God which takes away all sin and not our works.  Having a clear understanding of where sin originates and what Jesus did to take the reproach of sin from us, can help us receive revelation regarding how to live holy, give us the power to walk boldly with God, and help us better identify the voice of God.

We have all heard the saying, “You are a spirit, who has a soul, and lives in a body,” but Mr. Wommack gives scriptural evidence to support his explanation of what each part of our being is and how it functions.   In chapter 2 he provides three illustrations of how the spirit, soul, and body function including an explanation that the soul acts like a valve through which your spirit can flow.  “Remember, in your spirit you’ve got the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:18-20).  Yet it’s possible to have this power and never manifest it.   If your soul, like a valve, stays closed to this truth, you won’t experience it.  Without opening the valve by renewing your mind to God’s Word, the eternal reality in your spirit won’t be able to impact the temporal “reality” of your physical realm.[2]

Spirit, Soul, & Body really helped refortify foundational truths that I had not visited in years.   It gave me confidence in who I am in Christ, it gave me a clearer spiritual picture of why I fail in areas of my life, and it reignited a fire for an uncomplicated relationship with God based on everything He has done and nothing I can do.

I highly recommend this book for those who are renewing their relationship with God because it tackles subjects such as can we lose our salvation and once we are saved are we always saved.  I encourage you to purchase your copy from the Bold Women Ministries bookstore today for yourself and a loved one.




[1] Chicago: Spirit, Soul & Body – Andrew Wommack: | Law2graceindia, https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Soul-Body-Andrew-Wommack/dp/1606830058/ref=as_sl_pc_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=boldwomenmini-20&linkCode=w00&linkId=a1fa76a9337d0952929a9fa3c6dd7d9b&creativeASIN=1606830058 (accessed December 05, 2017).

[2] Chicago: Spirit, Soul & Body – Andrew Wommack: | Law2graceindia, https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Soul-Body-Andrew-Wommack/dp/1606830058/ref=as_sl_pc_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=boldwomenmini-20&linkCode=w00&linkId=a1fa76a9337d0952929a9fa3c6dd7d9b&creativeASIN=1606830058 (accessed December 05, 2017).